Institute of Social and Communication Sciences

Institute of Social and Communication Sciences

The Institute of Social Science and Communication Studies is located in the building of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, which houses all the equipment necessary for providing modern training.

Bachelor Programmes

The Communication Science and Media BA-level training programme offers professional education in the field of communication and provides a high level of ethical content while emphasizing positive human values. The purpose of this programme is to train specialists who are familiar not only with the operation of communication systems in societies, but also with social communication in general and the main communication and media institutions and entities.

The aim of the Sociology BA-level programme is to train sociology experts who, relying on their theoretical and comprehensive methodological knowledge, as well as on their sensitivity and openness to social problems, are capable of contributing to the implementation of the knowledge-based information society, improving the quality of life, promoting equal opportunities, developing social democracy, and strengthening social integration.

Masters Programmes

Masters Programme in Communication Science and Media

We mainly expect the application of students with a degree in communication and media studies (BA or minor). The length of the full programme is 4 semesters, and students need 120 credits to obtain a degree. The duration of the traineeship is 80 hours. Students completing this module are offered opportunities for professional practice, which in turn helps them get a job.

The title of the qualification featured in the degree is “Communications and Media Studies Expert”.

Students enrolled in the programme will learn about the fields of their chosen specialisation and the intersections of such specialisations, in addition to familiarising themselves with the characteristics of the entire field of communication and media. After having completed the programme, students will be capable of performing high-quality professional tasks in their special fields, will be able to communicate in situations related to their specialisation in multilingual and diverse function environments, and will also be able to effectively apply their IT knowledge.

The programme boasts of numerous research and methodology experts, and its educational infrastructure features a well-equipped radio and TV studio.

Masters Programme in Social Behavioural Analysis
Specializations: Big Data Analysis and Social Psychology

The mission of the program is to educate experts in analysing social processes in a complex multidisciplinary manner covering a broad range of fields from Social Psychology to advanced quantitative analysis. Our graduates will be capable of combining insights and data concerning human behaviour with investigations about different social systems, and theoretical knowledge of interconnected systems of taken for granted social expectations with methodological skills to do research on them. They will be invited to apply their expertise in numerous areas including, but not limited to HR management, business analysis, training, and business education. They will get solid foundations to continue their studies in doctoral programs

Graduates of the big data analysis specialization will combine expertise in data analytics with the causal understanding of networks of complicated of social mechanisms. This type of knowledge makes them optimal candidates for jobs that require the data base-based analytics of behavioural patterns in human transactions.

Organizations such as banks, telecommunication service providers, retailers involved in e-commerce, as well as the increasingly electronic governmental administration generate considerable demand for this field of expertise both in Hungary and in the European Union. The proliferation of electronic administration generates both suitable data sources and the demand to analyse the data in order to harvest the societal and financial benefits of the understanding the analysis provides.

Students graduating with the social-psychology specialization will possess expertise in the qualitative and also the quantitative methodologies of Sociology and Social Psychology not only theoretically but also on the basis of hands on experience in the context of practical applications. This in turn makes them suitable candidates for organizations engaged in market research as well as in HR department of large and medium size organizations.

Graduates will be suitable business consultants, useful and appreciated participants of local and national non-profit projects, as well as employees of the economic and ministerial organizations developing, supervising, and controlling such projects, or organizations with similar profiles associated to churches. In addition to these skills, graduates will be trained in conflict resolution and will be able to educate themselves to become coaches and trainers, or work as mediators.

Quite naturally, graduates from either specialization would have the academic knowledge in social theory and in research methodology to work as researchers, social science educators, or continue their studies in doctoral programs.

The content and the structure of the program

In the first two semesters of the program general theoretical subjects (Sociological Theory, Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Social History, Theories of Social Stratifications and Inequality, and social Psychology) are taught alongside with qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies.

In addition to these courses, the specialization starts from the second semester. The courses for the Big Data Analytics Specialization include Social Network Analysis, Linear Algebra, Statistical Programing, Multi Variate Analysis, and Advanced Statistical Methods.

The Social Psychology Specialization focuses on Organization and Management Theory, Mediation, Conflict Resolution, and on the proven Psychological mechanisms these activities can entail. Numerical Analytical Methods and Qualitative Research are also an emphatic element of this specialization.

The key characteristic of the education is the strong practical orientation, and the hands-on methodological approach. Students are working on their own project under professorial supervision in all but the first term of the program. In different phases of these projects students are expected to develop their presentation and publication skills both in their native tongue and in foreign languages, preferably English. The process is also supported by the supervisors.

Entry Requirements

Applicants are welcome to our Sociology Masters Program if they have an undergraduate (BA) degree in Sociology or Social Sciences, or earnt 60 credit points in the distribution specified below
• A minimum of 5 credit points in History, Political sciences of Philosophy
• A minimum of 20 credit points in Sociology, Social Psychology, Psychology, Social History, of Cultural Anthropology
• A minimum of 10 credit points in Methodology of Social Sciences, Market Research, or Survey Methodology
• A minimum of 20 credit points in Mathematics, Statistics, or Data Analytics (Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Mathematics of Economy, Computational Data Analytics)
provided that these are in sociologically relevant fields,
or, the applicant has earnt at least 30 credit points in such fields but is willing to earn the missing 30 credit points parallel to their masters studies.

In order to get an interview, applicants need to submit a detailed letter describing their motivations, and a recent professional CV.

Master program in Sociology
Specializations: Big Data Analysis and Social Psychology

Graduates of the big data analysis specialization will combine expertise in data analytics with the causal understanding of networks of complicated social mechanisms. This type of knowledge makes them optimal candidates for jobs that require the date base-based analytics of behavioural patterns in human transactions.

Organizations such as banks, telecommunication service providers, retailers involved in e-commerce, as well as the increasingly electronic governmental administration generate considerable demand for this expertise both in Hungary and in the European Union. The spread of electronic administration generates both suitable data sources and the demand to analyse the data to harvest the societal and financial benefits of the understanding the analysis provides.
Students graduating with the social-psychology specialization will possess expertise in the qualitative and also the quantitative methodologies of Sociology and Social Psychology not only theoretically but also through hands on experience in the context of practical applications. This in turn makes them suitable candidates for organizations engaged in market research as well as for HR departments of large and medium size organizations.

Graduates will be suitable business consultants, useful and appreciated participants of local and national non-profit projects, as well as employees of the economic and ministerial organizations developing, supervising, and controlling such projects. In addition to these skills, graduates will be trained in conflict resolution and thus would fit into the roles of coaches and trainers, and mediators.

Quite naturally, graduates from either specialization would have the academic knowledge in social theory and in research methodology to work as researchers or social science educators, or continue their studies in doctoral programs.

The content and the structure of the program
In the first two semesters of the program general theoretical subjects (Sociological theory, Social History, and Social Psychology) are taught alongside with Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies. Specialization specific courses start from the second semester.  The courses for the Big Data Analytics Specialization include Statistical Programing, Multivariate Analysis, and Advanced Statistical Methods. The social Psychology Specialization focuses on Organization and Management Theory, Mediation, Conflict Resolution, and on the proven psychological mechanisms these activities can exploit

The key characteristic of the education is its strong practical orientation, and the hands-on methodological approach. Students are working on their own project under professorial supervision in all but the first term of the programme.  In different phases of these projects, students are expected to develop their presentation and publication skills both in their native tongue and in foreign languages, preferably English. The process is also supported by the supervisors.

Entry Requirements

Applicants are welcome to our Sociology Master Program if they possess an undergraduate (BA) degree in Sociology or Social Sciences, or earnt 60 credit points in Social Sciences provided that it is in sociologically relevant fields, or earnt at least 20 credit points in such fields but are willing or earn the missing 40 credit points parallel to their master studies.

In order to get an interview, applicants need to submit a detailed letter describing their motivations, and a recent professional CV.


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