Faculty of Pedagogy

Incoming Students to the Faculty of Pedagogy are also welcome to attend courses offered by the Faculty of Humanities, for the detailed list please click here.

Courses for the 2024/2025 academic year

Erasmus Course Offers – Spring 2024/2025/2

PK - Mészáros László - Competency Based Pedagogy

PK - Mócza Attila - English Literature II. - Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Literature

PK - Neumayerné Dr. Streitman Krisztina - British and American Civilization, Intercultural Communication

PK - Szarka Júlia - Voice Training and Music Methodology on the Basis of the Kodály Method

PK - Tóth Etelka - Hugarian as a foreign language

PK - Csontos Tamás - First Language Acquisition


Erasmus Course Offers – Fall 2024/2025/1

PK Budapest - Mészáros László - Competency Based Pedagogy

PK Budapest - Mócza Attila - English Literature II. - Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Literature

PK Budapest - Neumayerné Dr. Streitman Krisztina - British and American Civilization, Intercultural Communication

PK Budapest - Szarka Júlia - Voice Training and Music Methodology on the Basis of the Kodály Method

PK Budapest - Tóth Etelka - Hugarian as a foreign language

 PK Kecskemét - Zsigmond István - Developing Learning Abilities

PK Kecskemét - Csontos Tamás - First Language Acquisition

PK Kecskemét - Galuska László Pál - Hungarian Fairy Tales in Europe

PK Kecskemét - Petrikné Zseni Andrea - Deutsch lehren lernen

PK Kecskemét - Smuta Attila - Creative Music Pedagogy

Previous courses from 2023/2024

Erasmus Course Offers – Spring 2023/2024/2

PK - Mészáros László - Competency Based Pedagogy

PK - Mócza Attila - English Literature II. - Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Literature

PK - Neumayerné Dr. Streitman Krisztina - British and American Civilization, Intercultural Communication

PK - Szarka Júlia - Voice Training and Music Methodology on the Basis of the Kodály Method

PK - Tóth Etelka - Hugarian as a foreign language

PK - Csontos Tamás - First Language Acquisition


Erasmus Course Offers – Fall 2023/2024/1

PK Budapest - Mészáros László - Competency Based Pedagogy

PK Budapest - Mócza Attila - English Literature II. - Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Literature

PK Budapest - Neumayerné Dr. Streitman Krisztina - British and American Civilization, Intercultural Communication

PK Budapest - Szarka Júlia - Voice Training and Music Methodology on the Basis of the Kodály Method

PK Budapest - Tóth Etelka - Hugarian as a foreign language

 PK Kecskemét - Zsigmond István - Developing Learning Abilities

PK Kecskemét - Csontos Tamás - First Language Acquisition

PK Kecskemét - Galuska László Pál - Hungarian Fairy Tales in Europe

PK Kecskemét - Petrikné Zseni Andrea - Deutsch lehren lernen

PK Kecskemét - Smuta Attila - Creative Music Pedagogy

Previous courses from 2022/2023

Previous courses from 2021/2022

Previous courses from 2020/2021

Previous courses from 2019/2020



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