Department of Ancient History and Auxiliary Historical Sciences

The main task of the Department of Ancient History and Auxiliary Historical Sciences is to teach prehistory, the history of the ancient Near-East, the history of classical Greece and Rome, and the auxiliary studies of history. The research areas of the lecturers are concentrated on Palaeolithic, the archaeology and religious history of ancient Egypt, Latin epigraphic, the late antique Near-East, Parthian and Sasanida Persia, and the cultural history of antiquity and the Renaissance. Teacher training courses on the methodology of history teaching are also organized and carried out by the Department.

Head of Department
Associate Professor Miklós Sárközy

Associate Professor Zoltán Fábián, Habil.
Associate Professor Bence Fehér, Habil.
Senior Lecturer Mónika Imregh, PhD.
Senior Lecturer Katalin Kocsisné Csízy, PhD.
Flóra Rajhona
Assistant Lecturer Zsuzsanna Turcsán-Tóth


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