Department of German Language and Literature

The Department of German Language and Literature of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary was established in 1997. Its founding father was the former Swiss ambassador Dr. László Ódor. Being part of the Institute of German and Netherlandic Studies since 2013, the Department is responsible for the subjects connected to literary history, criticism, language practice, and linguistics. At the same time, modern and contemporary studies (for instance lexicography, theory of literary translation, etc.) also constitute a key segment of the programme.

There are twelve full-time faculty members (among them a number of younger colleagues who earned their PhDs within the past few years) and five part-time assistant professors in the department. Visiting professors also teach on a regular basis. There are more than approximately 60 students in the BA, the German teacher training MA, and the disciplinary MA program. Our students have numerous opportunities to study abroad in various EU countries.

The Department is proud to have organized a number of international conferences and meetings over the past few years: ‘Wendepunkte in der Kultur und Geschichte Ostmitteleuropas’ (2013), Digitális tananyagok – Oktatásinformatikai kompetencia a tanárképzésben [Digital Curriculums – Educational Informatics in Teacher Training] (2012), ‘Inspirationen’ (2010 and 2012), ‘Begegnungsraum: Ostmitteleuropa’ (2009), ‘Individuelle und kollektive Identität in Zentraleuropa’ (2006), ‘Literatur und Erinnerung im Donauraum’ (2005), ‘Ungarn in Europa’  (2004).

Head of Department
Dr. Szentpétery-Czeglédy Anita, senior lecturer
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Telephone: (06-1) 483-2879
Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem
BTK, Német Nyelv és Irodalom Tanszék
1088 Budapest, Reviczky u. 4.

Departmental Administrator
Alexandra Nagy
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Telephone: (06-1) 483-2879

Departmental Library
Librarian: Judit Lőrincz
Room 215
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Opening hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Wednesdays from 1 to 4 p.m.


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