Research activity

The research project "Educational Technology in Higher Education", which has been carried out since 2018 in cooperation between the ICT Research Centre and the Centre for Continuing Education in Educational Technology (KRE Faculty of Humanities), lies at the intersection of educational informatics and higher education pedagogy. Its aim is to investigate the practical application of effective learning-teaching opportunities in e-learning environments in higher education, with a special focus on online applications and networked learning.

The main objective of the research is to identify the major ICT indicators and self-reflection processes of higher education instructors (with a special focus on teacher education) and the main factors influencing their use of ICT tools. As a result of this research, we aim to identify possible directions, methods and tools for improvement based on existing best practices in higher education.

Details of the research and publications are available on the research team's website. A particularly important outcome of the research is the publication of a handbook in Hungarian and English to support the conscious use of digital tools by teachers in higher education:

Ida, Dringó-Horváth – Judit, Dombi – László, Hülber – Zsófia, Menyhei – Tibor, M. Pintér – Adrienn, Papp-Danka (2021): Educational Technology in Higher Education Methodological Considerations. ICT Research Centre Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest.


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