Previous academic years from 2020/2021 - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Erasmus Course Offers – Spring 2020/21/2

Summary table of courses with meeting time

Arts, History and Culture

ERPB-BAA 9926 From page to stage - exploring drama texts through practice

ERPB-BAA 9928 A Short Introduction to (Very) Contemporary American Drama

ERPB-BKO 0001 Communication in Folk Culture and Music

ERPB-BSB 9525 The burnout society. Its critic, and an alternative based on idealist and romantic tradition.

ERPB-BTO 0004 Medieval Hungarian History

ERPB-BTO 0011 Modern Central-European History

ERPB-BTO 0012 The Renaissance in Florence History, Art and Culture in the Time of the Medici

ERPB-MAA 9439 Ruins between nature and culture - Arts and aesthetics of decay


Dutch Studies


BHL 3431 Europese cultuur en Nederland



German Studies

ERPB-BNT 2220 Morphologie und Syntax des Deutschen im Überblick

ERPB-BNT 2221 Morphologie Und Syntax Des Deutschen Im Überblick I._Seminar

ERPB-BNT 2240 Lexikologie Und Stilistik

ERPB-BNT 2310 Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur 1700-1815_Vorlesung

ERPB-BNT 2311 Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur 1700-1815_Seminar

ERPB-BNT 2330 Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur von 1910 bis zur Gegenwart_Vorlesung

ERPB-BNT 2331 Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur von 1910 bis zur Gegenwart_Seminar

ERPB-BNT 4243 Übersetzung von Fachtexten_juristische Texte

ERPB-MNE 2221Die Bedeutung in Semantik und Pragmatik

ERPB-MNE 2360 Medialität Und Intermedialität

MNE 3312 Vorstellung eines deutschsprachigen Autors, Oeuvres oder einer Stilrichtung



English Studies

ERPB-BAN 1027 Language Practice 2

ERPB-BAN 2021 Advanced Language Practice 2

ERPB-BAN 2112 Present-Day English 1 - Phonetics and Phonology

ERPB-BAN 2130 Present Day English 3.0 Origins and Development

ERPB-BAN 2170 Present Day English 2.0 - Descriptive Grammar

ERPB-BAN 2171 Descriptive Grammar Erasmus Course Description - seminar

ERPB-BAN 2210 British History I From the Age of the Celts to the Napoleonic Wars

ERPB-BAN 2231 History of the USA

ERPB-BAN 2363-1 Survey of English and American Literature 1.2 (Medieval English Literature)

ERPB-BAN 2363-2 Survey of English and American Literature 1.2 (Medieval English Literature)

ERPB-BAN 2365 Survey of English and American Literature 1.2 (Renaissance English Literature)

ERPB-BAN 2368 Survey of English and American Literature 1.0 (Medieval and Renaissance English Literature) - lecture

ERPB-BAN 2382 Survey of British and American Literature

ERPB-BAN 2383-1 Survey of 20th century British and American literature

ERPB-BAN 2383-2 Survey of 20th century British and American literature

ERPB-BAN 3133 Semantics and Pragmatics

ERPB-BAN 3152 Chapters from English Linguistics 2.1 - English lexicology and lexicography an introduction

ERPB-BAN 3309 Canadian Culture - A Multimedial Approach

ERPB-BAN 3315 20th Century Irish History on Film - Postcolonial Film and Society

ERPB-BAN 3342 Topics in American Literature 2. Multicultural identity

ERPB-BAN 3352 Literary Theory - Alternative Canons - Postcolonial Literature and Culture

ERPB-BAN 3391 Reading Possession by A.S. Byatt - Literary Cultural Workshop

ERPB-BAN 4006 Oral Presentation Skills

ERPB-BAN 4007 Advanced Writing Practice

ERPB-BAN 4009 Special Language Practice 2 - Aspects of English Vocabulary

ERPB-BAN 4813 Translation practice 1 - Fordítástechnika 1A

ERPB-BAN 9107 Introduction to Christianity

ERPB-BAN 9109 Foundations of Christian Faith

ERPB-BAN 9317 Central European Film

ERPB-BAN 9322 Hungarian Literature and Culture

ERPB-MAD 2131 History of the English Language - seminar

ERPB-MAD 2150 History of the English Language - Lecture

ERPB-MAD 2261 Readings in Modern Political Ideologies

ERPB-TNA 1026 Language Practice - Writing Skills

ERPB-TNA 2011 Advanced Language Practice

ERPB-TNA 2113 Present Day English - Phonetics and Phonology

ERPB-TNA 2241 The Culture of the English Speaking Countries The Art and Culture of Britain - A course for future teachers of English

ERPB-TNA 3113 Varieties of English

ERPB-TNA 3151 Chapters from English Linguistics 2.1 - English lexicology and lexicography - an introduction

ERPB-TNA 3168 The Beginnings of Modernity - Rewriting Shakespeare from the Restoration to Romanticism

ERPB-TNA 3321 20th Century Anglophone Literary and Cultural Trends (2)



Hungarian Studies for Foreigners

ERPB-BMR 0002_Hungarian language for absolute beginners



Oriental Studies

East Asian writing systems

ERPB-BJP 2450 Japanese Culture and Civilization

ERPB-MJP 2311 Questions of the Japanese Modernization

ERPB-MJP 2420_Contemporary Japanese Society - Erasmus Course Description - GergelyA 2021 Spring

Modern History of China



Philosophy, Theology, Religion

ERPB-BSB9455 Dialogue Between Ancient Greek Philosophy and Christian Theology

ERPB- BSB9443 An Interactive Introduction into the History of Greek Philosophy

ERPB-BAA 9922 God is Red. Native American History, Culture and Religion on Film



Sociology, Psychology, Communication

ERPB_BPS1161 - Developmental Psychology 1. practice_Törő Kriszta

ERPB_BPSA1190 - Education and School psychology_Vajda Zsuzsa

ERPB-BAA 9074 - Intellectual History of Psychology_H. Delaney_Kövi Zsuzsanna

ERPB-BPS 1251 General Psychology 2. practice_Hazai Melinda

ERPB-BPS 1281_Psychology-of-Personality-2.-practice-_Szabados-Sándor

ERPB-BPSA 0060_Reading the Bible an Introduction_Zalatnay István

ERPB-BPSA 1100_Research Methods in Psychology_Berkics Mihály

ERPB-MPS7041 The Psychology of Competition Fülöp Márta

Erasmus Course_2021 tavasz_The Burnout Society_Zalatnay István

ERPB - BPS 2611 Healing Power of Nature

ERPB - BPSA 4280 Psychological Assessment and Testing

ERPB- BPS 1271Social Psychology 2. practice

ERPB BPSA 1270 Social Psychology 2.

ERPB BPSA 1280 Personality Psychology 2

ERPB-BKO 0002 Crisis Communication

ERPB-BKO 4114 Public Relations

ERPB-BKO 9803 Crisis andor Camouflage

ERPB-BPS 2617 Introduction to Applied Sport Psychology

ERPB-BPSA 0220 Biological studies II

ERPB-BPSA 1160 Developmental Psychology 1 - practical course

ERPB-BPSA 1250 - General Psychology 2

ERPB-BSZOC 9191 Sociology of Organizations

ERPB-BSZOC 9194_Social-Images-of-SF

ERPB-BSZOC 9780 Family & Gender

ERPB-BSZOC 9803 Qualitative_Interviewing_and_Analysis

ERPB-BSZOC9192 Culture and Cognition

ERPB-MPS2911 Principles of Altered States of Consciousness




Erasmus Course Offers – Autumn 2020/21/1

Summary table of courses with meeting time

Arts, History and Culture

BSB9443- An Interactive Introduction into the History of Greek Philosophy

BSB9455- Dialogue Between Ancient Greek Philosophy and Christian Theology

ECH-BSB9442 = ERPB-BSB9441 Interdisciplinary research in art history, psychology, sociology

ERPB-BKO 0001 Communication in Folk Culture and Music

ERPB-BTO 0004 Medieval Hungarian History

ERPB-BTO 0011 Modern Central-European History

ERPB-BTO 0012 The Renaissance in Florence History, Art and Culture in the Time of the Medici

ERPB-BTO 0015 Written sources of ancient Egypt

From page to stage

German idealism – Romanticism – Byung-Chul-Han and New Romaticism

Landscapes of Admiration. Art and Environment from the Mythical Ages to the Anthropocene



Dutch Studies

Albert Stromingen

CL Politiek en journalistiek

Daróczi mystiek

Dióssi Literatuurtheorie 2020

Zelenka Zakelijke communicatie



English Studies

ERPB-BAN 1312a Introduction to English Studies 1.2 - Civilisation in the United Kingdom

ERPB-BAN 2011 Advanced Language Practice

ERPB-BAN 2021-1 Advanced Language Practice 2

ERPB-BAN 2130 Present-Day English 3 - Origins and Development

ERPB-BAN 2180 Present Day English 2.2. Descriptive Grammar

ERPB-BAN 2181 Present Day English 2.2. Descriptive Grammar

ERPB-BAN 2378 Survey of 18th and 19th Century British and American Literature

ERPB-BAN 2379 Survey of 18-19 Century British and American Literature

ERPB-BAN 3162 Varieties of English

ERPB-BAN 3312 The history and culture of English-speaking countries 1 - Introduction to Political Ideologies 1

ERPB-BAN 3342 Topics in North American Literature Responses to the Holocaust in American Literature

ERPB-BAN 4006 Oral Presentation Skills (2)

ERPB-BAN 4007 Advanced Writing Practice

ERPB-BAN 4505 Introduction to Canadian Culture

ERPB-BAN 4816 Translation Techniques 2 Translation from Hungarian

ERPB-BAN 9107 Introduction to Christianity

ERPB-BAN 9316 - Hungarian Art and Cultural History

ERPB-BAN 9317 Central European Films

ERPB-BAN 9322 Hungarian Literature

ERPB-BKO 9803 Crisis and-or Camouflage 2008

ERPB-MAD 1120 Literary and Cultural Studies - Basic Concepts and Terminology

ERPB-MAD 1312-1313 Modern British Society History Culture Politics

ERPB-MAD 2230 20th Century Anglophone Literary and Cultural Trends

ERPB-MAD 3261 The main tendencies of English poetry in the 18-19th century

ERPB-MAD 3271-The Main Tendencies of the English Novel in the 19-20th century

ERPB-MAD 3281 Main Tendencies in 20th-century English and American poetry and drama

ERPB-MAD 9119 Digital Humanities-Computer Science -An Introduction

ERPB-TNA 2221 British and American History 2 - British History from 1815 until 1990

ERPB-TNA 2362 British and American literature 1.0 The Middle Ages and the Renaissance

ERPB-TNA 2363 British and American literature seminar 1.0 the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

ERPB-TNA 2382 Survey of English and American Literary History 3.0 Modern English and American Literature seminar

ERPB-TNA 2383 Survey of English and American Literary History 3.1 Modern English and American Literature lecture

ERPB-TNA 3003 Special Language Practice 1

ERPB-TNA 3511 Teacher Skills I. Vocabulary Development

ERPB-TOS 1010 The Theory of English Language Teaching

ERPB-TOS 1011 The Practice of English Language Teaching



German Studies

Angewandte Linguistik I-II. - Hollos_2017

Entwicklungstendenzen in der Deutschen Gegenwartssprache - Hollós 2017

Geschichte der Deutschsprachigen Literatur 1815-1910 Seminar Czeglédy 2017

Geschichte der Deutschsprachigen Literatur 1815-1910 Vorlesung Czeglédy 2017

Interkulturalität in der Deutschsprachigen Literatur - Kovács 2017

Kontrastive Sprachliche Analysen - Uzonyi 2016-2017

Kultur und Medialität 1 - Klemm 2017

Kulturgeschichte - Seminar - Klemm 2017

Kulturgeschichte - Vorlesung - Klemm 2017

Literarische Lektüre Czeglédy 2017

Morphosyntax der Deutschen Gegenwartssprache II - Szatmári 2017

Soziolinguistik und Dialektologie - Szilágyi-Kósa 2017

Textlinguistik und Pragmatik - Seminar - Szatmári 2017

Übersetzung. Fachsprache I. Wirtschaftstexte - Simon 2017

Vorstellung Eines Deutschsprachigen Autors, Oeuvres Oder Einer Stilrichtung 2017



Hungarian Studies for Foreigners

Advanced Hungarian - Joachim

Hungarian language for absolute beginners - Joachim



Oriental Studies

ERPB-MJP 2420_Contemporary Japanese Society - Erasmus Course Description - GergelyA

ERPB-BJP 2450 Japanese Culture and Civilization

ERPB MJP 9909 Modern History of China

East Asian writing systems



Philosophy, Theology, Religion

BSB9443- An Interactive Introduction into the History of Greek Philosophy

BSB9455-_Dialogue Between Ancient Greek Philosophy and Christian Theology

Church studies



Sociology, Psychology, Communication

Anatomy and Neurology 1

Anatomy and Neurology 2

Biological Studies

History of Psychology

Introduction into Schema Therapy

Research Methods in Psychology

Social Psychology 1

Social Psychology 1 practice

Crisis andor Camouflage 2008

Crisis Communication

Cultural Anthropology-Visual communication

Family & Gender

General Psychology 1. practice

Healing Power of Nature - Kövi Zsuzsanna

History of Philosophy

Introduction to Applied Sport Psychology

Komaromi Cultural anthropology

Personality Psychology 1.

Principles of Altered States of Consciousness

Public Relations

Qualitative Interviewing and Analysis

Qualitative research fieldwork methodology

Sigmund Freud Debates C. S. Lewis

Social Images of SF



Social media